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CBD PIK2 is the heart of PIK2, The New Jakarta City, an area of approximately 120 Ha. As an icon of CBD PIK2, there is a Sharia Tower located in the Islamic Financial Centre with an area of approximately 23.5 Ha.

Last Friday 28 June 2024, an MOU Signing Ceremony was held between Menara Syariah and 5 universities, namely Brawijaya University, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Indonesian Education University, Indonesian Islamic University and Tazkia Islamic Institute.

The signing of the MOU was attended by Indonesian Ambassador to Afghanistan Arief Rachman, DR. Sugiarto SH MBA, as Senior Advisor of Menara Syariah, Harianto Solichin as Commissioner of PT Fin Centerindo Satu (Menara Syariah), Agung Sugeng Widodo, ST, MT, Ph.D. as Director of the Directorate of Cooperation of Brawijaya University, Prof. DR. H. Rosihon Anwar, M.Ag as Rector of Sunan Gunung Jati State Islamic University, Prof. DR. Amir Machmud, SE., M.Si. as Head of the Business Management and Development Department of Indonesia University of Education, Prof. Dr. Ardhariksa Zukhruf Kurniullah, M.Med.Kom, Ph.D. as Rector of Tazkia Islamic Institute, Rheyza Virgiawan. Lc., M.E. as Head of the Islamic Economics Study Programme at the Islamic University of Indonesia.

Harianto Solichin explained that what the collaboration with Menara Syariah aims to achieve is for Menara Syariah to become a "bridge" between universities from within the country and from abroad so that they can communicate and interact. "Then we also want a double degree so that an Indonesian graduate also has a graduate abroad," he added.

Regarding the MoU Signing Ceremony at Menara Syariah, Dr Sugiarto SH MBA, Senior Advisor of Menara Syariah said, "For information, a few months ago, our Vice President inaugurated Menara Syariah. It was visited by officials not only domestically, Malaysia came, Singapore came to be here and today there is an MoU agreement on an activity agreement with universities. What is this agreement about? About Sharia Financial Economics Education. Hopefully, with this opening, the rectors will be motivated to instil Islamic financial economic education for all students."

The Brawijaya University already has a Syariah Economics study programme, which in the future can collaborate with Menara Syariah to develop the study programme. "Finally, seeing the huge potential of Sharia in the world and the number of Islamic economic study programmes in Indonesia, this will be very interesting to be developed further. I think it will also be useful for the Brawijaya centre. If it was conveyed by Mr Harianto, it will also be able to add many benefits, one example is that we can collaborate with foreign universities, with foreign business economics, we can encourage our students to be able to work abroad, and here will become an International HUB for Islamic economics," added Agung Sugeng Widodo, ST, MT, Ph.D..

Plus the location of PIK2 is close to the airport so it is very strategic and easy to reach, of course with the planned presence of many universities, it will further complement the facilities present at PIK2.