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The Pantas Gemilang Waste House is a form of PIK2's commitment to carrying out the company's social and environmental responsibility towards the surrounding community in the environmental sector.

The Pantas Gemilang Waste House and the Sampah Hebat Stall located in Pangkalan Village, Teluknaga Sub-District were inaugurated on Thursday, 7 March 2024 by the Tangerang Regency Government, represented by H. Fachrul Rozi, S.sos, M.Si as the Head of the Environmental Office along with his staff together with Restu Mahesa as Estate Management Director and Stephan Bambang as General Manager. Also present at this event were Zamzam Manohara, S.STP as Chief of Teluknaga Sub-District, Ahmad Muhrim S.Ip as Chief of Pangkalan Village, and also Okto Fianus and Richard Octovianus as representatives of Community Development PIK2.

The Waste House, which has the concept of TPS 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Waste Management Site), is the first waste management site in Teluknaga Sub-District. The inauguration of the Pantas Gemilang Waste House is in order to create a Teluknaga Sub-District with a clean environment and an empowered community. The Pantas Gemilang Waste House itself is targeted to be able to manage the waste of at least 2500 families.

Zamzam Manohara explained in his speech that the waste prblem is not only in Teluknaga but also at the Regency level, even throughout the province and even throughout the world, it is a big problem. "In principle, we can tackle this waste problem together, as long as there is extraordinary support and cross-sector collaboration. On this occasion, Teluknaga Sub-District, especially Pangkalan Village, has one of the TPS 3R which was not only initiated by the government sector, but also initiated by the developer, and that is PIK2, through its CSR program. Our hope is that in the future TPS 3R will not only facilitate or serve Pangkalan Village, but gradually it will also be able to serve several surrounding villages and in the future it is hoped that it will be able to serve Teluknaga Sub-District," added Zamzam Manohara.

During a trial of approximately 7 months, the Pantas Gemilang Waste House succeeded in reducing the waste disposed of in the Final Processing Site (TPA) by 60%.

The Pantas Gemilang Waste House is an initiative of the Pantas Gemilang Community Self-Help Group which started this waste management activity in 2020.

As a form of PIK2's concern for preserving the surrounding environment, it continues to be committed to accompanying and helping provide solutions in overcoming the waste problem through optimizing the TPS 3R, especially at the Pantas Gemilang Waste House. "Thank you to PIK2 for caring about the waste sector. CSR is useful. Hopefully the Pantas Gemilang Waste House can be more advanced and can process waste from many areas, thereby helping reduce the volume of waste that is thrown into the Final Processing Site (TPA)," said H. Fachrul Rozi.

It is hoped that the Pantas Gemilang Waste House can become the first pioneer of zero waste management in Tangerang Regency.