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The Al-Khairiyah Mosque which is located in Menara Syariah, Islamic Financial Center PIK2 area has been inaugurated by Vice President K.H. Ma'ruf Amin, on 27 October 2023. The series of inauguration events began with the National Seminar on Sharia Economics which carried the theme The Role of the Islamic Financial Center in Strengthening the Ecosystem and Synergy of Sharia Economic Stakeholders in Indonesia and was closed with Friday prayer at the Al-Khairiyah Mosque.

Present at this event, Vice Chairman of the Regional Representative Council of Indonesia Nono Sampono as a representative of Agung Sedayu Group, Acting Governor of Banten Al Muktabar along with all the board of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum of Banten Province, as well as figures and entrepreneurs operating in the field of sharia finance.

The development of national sharia economics and finance requires cooperation across sectors and stakeholders regarding the enormous potential and resources managed. This includes quite diverse clusters that must be developed, such as the Halal product industry, sharia financial services, sharia social funds, and sharia business and entrepreneurship.

The Islamic Financial Center or IFC PIK-2 area is marked by the establishment of the Menara Syariah that was built in 2019 as a joint effort to create an ecosystem, which is expected to become a magnet as well as a barometer of world-class sharia economics and finance.

“With the existence of the Menara Syariah, we hope that the center for sharia financial economic activities that has existed in various countries, such as Dubai, Qatar, Kazakhstan, we hope that the center will be here. Because we have the greatest potential, the largest Muslim population, and then a large economic potential. So we want to change Indonesia from the largest Halal consumer country to the largest Halal producer. Therefore, there needs to be some kind of place that can provide services for all these activities. And we hope that this Menara Syariah can provide this service with the facilities that are also available,” said Ma’ruf Amin when interviewed.