Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


Water is a basic need for society whose quality and hygiene must always be maintained. On Wednesday 24th July 2024, Community Development PIK2 opened a Clean Water Facility at the Darul Mu’minin Islamic Education Foundation, Tanjung Pasir Village with the aim of supporting the provision of clean water in this area.

This inauguration was carried out symbolically by Restu Mahesa as Estate Management Director of Agung Sedayu Group, together with H. Dadan Gandana, S.STP., M.Si as Chief of the Tangerang Regency Education Office and witnessed by Zamzam Manohara as Chief of Teluknaga Sub-District, Ahmad Sholeh, S.Pd.I as Chairman of the Darul Mu’minin Islamic Education Foundation and other invited guests.

“Alhamdulillah, today we got water from a clean water source from PIK2, and this is one of the extraordinary things we hoped for,” said Ahmad Sholeh.

Hopefully this clean water facility can help local communities fulfil their daily clean water needs.