Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


Saturday, 28 October 2023, Tera Exercises and Health Social Service activities were held at PIK Icon, Golf Island.

The 200 participants who attended were members of Senam Tera Indonesia. This activity aims to provide health services and disease prevention for the elderly.

This event was attended by Lieutenant General (Ret.) DR. Nono Sampono M.SI as General Director of the Agung Sedayu Group and also Chairman of Senam Tera Indonesia. “As I am the Chairman of Senam Tera, diligent in exercises, diligent in sports. Any kind of sports. And also maintain your lifestyle. A peaceful and beautiful life is important, yes, the heart must be happy, it is also difficult to make the heart happy, because there is no such thing as a happy life all the time. There must be sweetness, there must be saltiness and even bitterness,” said Nono Sampono.

It is hoped that in the future health services can continue to reach a wider community and can increase community access to health services so that the highest level of health can be achieved.