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The Tangerang Regency Government held a CSR Awards event on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at the Tangerang District Head's Hall. The award was given directly by the District Head of Tangerang himself, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar to 21 companies that have contributed to the people of Tangerang Regency and are considered to have always played an active role and helped both the district government and the community and their environment.

On this occasion, PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari received another award for its achievements in carrying out the Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility Activities Program (TJSLP) in Tangerang Regency in 2022.

The CSR Program that has been carried out by the Development Community of PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari itself is divided into 5 pillars, namely Education, Health, Economy, Environment, and Charity. As for the Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility (TJSLP) event of PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari was carried out in the vicinity of the PIK 2 area, namely Teluknaga District and Kosambi District.

The award for PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari PIK 2 was given to Restu Mahesa as the Director of PIK 2 Township Management who on this ocassion was represented by Okto Fianus as the Head of General Affair. This award is one of the motivations for the PIK 2 Community Development to continue to innovate and do even better in carrying out the Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility for the surrounding community. "I thank all the companies and I congratulate them. Hopefully this appreciation and award can provide motivation for all companies in Tangerang Regency in order to provide their CSR to the environment and community," said District Head Zaki.

Meanwhile, the Head of Governance Division of Regional Secretariat of Tangerang Regency, Sumartono also explained that the awarding of CSR Awards to companies is a form of appreciation and expression of gratitude from the district government to the company for its achievements and commitment in carrying out its corporate social and environmental responsibility activities for the community in Tangerang Regency.