Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


In order to carry out Corporate Environmental Social Responsibility in the Tangerang Regency Area, PT. Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk handed over grant funds to Teluknaga Sub-District for infrastructure development in the Teluknaga Sub-District area on 16th May 2024. Located at the Teluknaga Sub-District Office, the funds were handed over directly by the Director of Estate Management of Agung Sedayu Group, Dr. Ir. H. Restu Mahesa, M.M to Teluknaga Sub-District, represented by Teluknaga Sub-District Secretary, Rizki Rizani Fachzi in a series of groundbreaking events for Tunas Jaya Square, Teluknaga Sub-District, Tangerang Regency.

This event was also attended by Bambang Santosadjaja as General Manager of Estate Management PIK2, Subur Maryono as Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Village Governments (APDESI) of Teluknaga, HMS as Chief of Bojong Renged Village.

The rehabilitation of the Square is a form of PIK2's concern for the surrounding community so that they have Child-Friendly Open Public Space (RPTRA) facilities because they have provided support to PIK2 to develop businesses in the Teluknaga Sub-District area.

"PIK2 also provides the latest innovations to overcome the floods that often hit the Teluknaga Sub-District area by building Rainwater Harvesting. Rainwater Harvesting is a pilot project which will later be adapted and implemented in all villages affected by flooding in Teluknaga Sub-District. Apart from that, Rainwater Harvesting is also a form of drought disaster mitigation implemented by PIK2," said Restu Mahesa in his speech.

It is hoped that this facility can be enjoyed by all levels of society in Teluknaga Sub-District and its surroundings. So that in the future it can increase the attraction of people to always visit the square, it can improve the economy of the surrounding community, and it can be an effort to beautify the Teluknaga Sub-District area.