Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


PIK 2 also supports the Kosambi District Government in River Normalization and Environmental Management along the Bojongrenged river up to the West Kosambi Bodeman within the Kosambi District area.

The River Cleaning activity, which is a river cleaning activity initiated by PIK 2, was carried out on 8 and 9 October, and was witnessed directly by the Head of Kosambi Sub-District, Dadang Sudrajat, S.Sos, MM, M.Si. The plan of this clean up will be carriied out until it is complete because the river flow passes through 7 areas in the Kosambi District.

PIK 2 also helps meet the needs of heavy equipment or also known as beko to remove garbage in the river. "Thanks to PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari - Agung Sedayu Group, the cleaning activity and the river management in the Kosambi District can be carried out effectively with the help of procuring heavy equipment from PIK 2" said Dadang Sudrajat as the Head of Kosambi Sub-District.

The river normalization activity and the area management have been carried out since September and will continue to be carried out on an ongoing basis until the river flow returns to normal. Then proceed to reforestation activity by planting trees along the river banks as an effort to organize and improve the environment to prevent natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and droughts. Therefore, the balance of the environment and water system can be maintained and preserved in this region.