Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


As one of the teachings that has been implemented in Islam, circumcision for boys is a tradition aimed at health and is also a highly recommended act of worship. Through circumsion, a child is taught from an early age about the importance of body health and cleanliness, especially the genitals.

On 21 December 2023, Community Development PIK2 together with Teluknaga Sub-District, in collaboration with the Tangerang Raya Youth Student Association (IMPTR) and the All Indonesian Village Government Association (APDESI) Teluknaga Sub-District, held a Mass Circumcision activity in Teluknaga Sub-District which was attended by Restu Mahesa as Estate Management Director of Agung Sedayu Group, Okto Fianus as Head of Community Development PIK2, Subur Maryono as Chair Person of APDESI Teluknaga Sub-District, Aziz Rahmatullah as a representative from Teluknaga Sub-District and Dede Yusuf as Chair Person of the Student Association and Chair Person of the Mass Circumcision Organizing Committee.

Participants in this mass circumcision were attended by ±36 children from 17 villages in the Teluknaga and Kosambi Sub-Districts. After the circumcision process is carried out, the children were also given gifts to cheer them up and give appreciation for being brave enough to be circumcised.

"Today, Alhamdulillah, the start of the Mass Circumcision activity has been carried out. The aim is to become an act of worship for all of us. And we pray for these children to become pious children who can also be filial to their parents, to become the childre their families can be proud of. Then it will become a contribution to society in the future," said Restu Mahesa when giving his speech.

This initiative is not only about circumcision, but also to increase understanding of the rights and obligations of a Muslim approaching adulthood. Mass circumcision is a valuable moment to perfect worship and education for all Muslims in this region.