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Community Development PIK 2 held a Football tournament "PIK 2 CUP" in Teluknaga and Kosambi Sub-District. This tournament was also aims to find prospective soccer player in the Tangerang Regency area, in order to become a reliable soccer player who can raise Tangerang Regency’s name at the Banten Provincial level, the national even to international level. This tournament began on February 23, 2022, which was attended by a total of 20 rural villages and 3 urban villages from Kosambi and Teluknaga Sub-Districts, Tangerang Regency.

Each team in every sub-district fought to win the first, second and third place and get the change to enter the Grand Final of the PIK2 CUP Tournament that was held on March 23, 2022 to compete for the PIK2 CUP at The Mini Tunas Jaya Teluknaga Stadium, Kampung Besar, Tangerang Regency.

Head of DLHK Office of Tangerang Regency, Achmad Taufik who was also present and gave a brief speech as a representative of the Regent of Tangerang Regency, PIK2 Community Development Team represented by Richard Octovianus, as Head of CSR and Okto Fianus Head of GA (as representative of the PT KML), PLT Camat Kosambi H. CR. Inton, S.IP., M.SI, Lurah Dadap, H. Saduni, S.Sos, The Village Head of Kampung Besar, Namely Ahmad Salim and the Head of the Asosiasi Kabupaten (Askab) PSSI Tangerang, H. Daniel Ramdani were also present to watch the match.

The PIK2 CUP Grand Final match was lively and tense until the 2nd round, and was won by Dadap urban Village team from Kosambi Sub-district. This victory is also a new achievement that deserves to be proud of also by the entire Tangerang Regency residents.