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Fulfilment of Nutrition fulfilment begins in the womb and is continued throughout life to support human physical health. Fulfilment of nutrition is very important. Lack of nutrition or malnutrition will have a negative impact on human growth and health. In commemoration of National Nutrition Day which falls on January 25th each year, PIK2 together with the Tegal Angus Health Center held a series of activities in the form of counselling on “The Important Role of Protein in the Body to Prevent Stunting”. This was conveyed by Mrs. Saadah as the representative of the Tegal Angus Health Center nutrition team.
 “The role of protein is very much needed during the growth and development of children because of its function in building cells and tissues in the body. In addition, protein helps to strengthen bones and muscles as well as the formation of antibodies and the immune system,” explained Saadah.
 This activity was then followed by cutting and giving out “tumpeng” containing 63 eggs and fried fish in accordance with the theme of this year’s Nutrition Day, “My Plate is Rich in Animal Protein”. Not only that, there were also side dishes and vegetables which were then distributed to be eaten with the 63 participants who were representatives of each Integrated Healthcare Center in the Pangkalan Village. This activity was closed by providing additional food (PMT) which is also a Community Development program of PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari PIK2 that consists of milk, eggs, and processed catfish such as braised catfish and nuggets as well as pudding or mugbean porridge. The enthusiasm of the participants in attending the National Nutrition Day awareness activities was very hype. Hopefully with this activity, public awareness of nutrition for the growth and development of children will be higher as the successor to a superior nation.