Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk collaborates with PT Inovasi Gerakan Masyarakat (Bank Sampah Bersinar) in the management of the Pantas Gemilang Waste House, marked by the signing of collaboration between the Pantas Gemilang Waste House, which is under the guidance of the Community Development of PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua, Tbk, and PT Inovasi Gerakan Masyarakat on 19th June 2024.

Present at this signing of collaboration was Dr. Ir. H. Restu Mahesa, M.M as Estate Managemet Director of PIK2 and his staff, Febriyanti SR as President Director of Bank Sampah Bersinar, Zamzam Manohara, S.STP as Chief of Teluknaga Sub-District, Ahmad Muhrim, S.IP as Chief of Pangkalan Village Teluknaga Sub-District, as well as H. Subur Maryono - Chief of Association of Indonesian Village Governments (APDESI) Teluknaga.

This collaboration aims to create better waste management using the RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) method so that household waste can be managed more optimally. This collaboration is a real form of PT. Pantai Indah Kapuk, Tbk's commitment in assisting and helping to provide solutions in overcoming the waste problem in the Tangerang Regency area, especially in Teluknaga Sub-District, through optimizing the Integrated Waste Management Site (TPST) Pantas Gemilang Waste House.

As Febriyanti SR said, "Of coursse this can only be successful if we support each other. Commitment from the Regional Government, from PIK2 as those who supported this activity from the start, we will also continue to be committed and hopefully this will produce a result that we can be proud of in the future. Hopefully this will really be a small step but will have a big impact in the future."

Zamzam Manohara also expressed his gratitude to PIK2 (Agung Sedayu Group) which has really helped develop, empower and also pray attention to the environment in the Tangerang Regency area, especially Teluknaga Sub-District. "Hopefully this program can run consistently and provide the best result and hopefully the waste program in Tangerang Regency, at least in Teluknaga Sub-District, can become a pilot project for Tangerang Regency," he added.