Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


 PIK2 Community Development along with PT. Cikarang Listrindo, Tbk held an activity of Planting 1000 Mangrove Tree Seeds and Sharing Knowledge in the occasion of disaster mitigation as well as comparative study of the Bahagia Berkarya Group (Kebaya) which was held on Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at Muara Gembong.
 Mangrove forests protect the coast from abrasion and prevent water intrusion. Mangrove planting is able to reduce the sea waves force as an effort to reduce the risk and impact of disasters caused by nature and humans.
 The Bahagia Berkarya Group, better known as Kebaya, is a group fostered by PT. Cikarang Listrindo, Tbk which focuses on processing and managing mangroves.
 “Seeing the abundant potential of mangrove raw materials, it would be a shame if it wasn't put to good use. The results are good enough to increase income,” said Alpiah, Head of Kebaya. The group which has been formed since 2012 has succeeded in processing and marketing several mangrove processed products such as mangrove crackers, mangrove syrup, mangrove stick snacks and so on.
 It is hoped that in the future, mangrove cultivation can be further improved to improve the ecosystem and help the surrounding community.