Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


A house of worship is an important religious facility for religious believers in a place. As in Islamic teachings, a holy house is a well-maintained and clean house, a house of worship which is a means of worship must of course also always be maintained and clean.

ALL SEDAYU Hotel provides CSR assistance to mosques in the Kelapa Gading area as a form of concern for houses of worship. Through the program of caring for houses of worship, All Sedayu Hotel Kelapa Gading cleans and helps tidy up the facilities of the Al-Muhajirin - Kelapa Gading Barat mosque with staff and employees.

Anis Fachmi as Hotel Manager of All Sedayu Hotel said, "This activity is a form of our concern for houses of worship in the Kelapa Gading area and is intended to help arrange the area of places of worship so that worship activities can be carried out more comfortably."

Humans must care about a small thing, because from a small thing it can develop into a big one. Likewise with concern for cleanliness in all places including houses of worship.