Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


Tuesday, August 27th 2024, harvest was carried out in Bojong Renged Village, Teluknaga Sub-District. This harvest followed the commodity planting activities that were carried out last March. The harvest which was held in Waru Briliant Thematic Village carried the theme “Gemilang” Harvest, the Independent Innovative Movement to Preserve Agriculture.

The total harvest yield is estimated to reach a total of 1 ton, including the harvest of cayenne peppers, curly red chilies, eggplants and tomatoes. Additionally, besides the commodities planted on the demonstration plot, they also harvested the products from the mushroom house, namely oyster mushrooms.

This harvest was also attended by Andi Ony as Acting Regent of Tangerang Regency, Zamzam Manohara as Chief of Teluknaga Sub-District, Yahya Djanggola as Chairman of the Edufarmers Foundation, Suhendra H.M.S as Chief of Bojong Renged Village and Dr. Ir. H. Restu Mahesa, M.M as Estate Management Director of Agung Sedayu Group along with his staff and all related stakeholders.

Furthermore, all FFS (Farmers Field School) participants who were residents of the surrounding agricultural land were also present and could directly experience the harvests they had planted up to this point.

Hopefully, this harvest which is expected to take place 30 times, will encourage the residents of Bojong Renged to continue learning and be productive in producing the best quality agricultural commodities so that they can help improve community welfare.