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Community Development PIK2 is proud to inaugurate the Kejar Paket Rumah Pintar School which is part of the “Bang Pendi” program, named Rise through Equal Education.

The inauguration of the Rumah Pintar Navy Post that was held on 24th July 2024 was attended by Restu Mahesa as Estate Director of Estate Management, H. Dadan Gandana, S.STP., M.Si as Chief of the Tangerang Regency Education Office, Major General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Mar) Dr. Hermanto, S.E., M.M., CSBA., CTMP, as Assistant for Maritime Potential (Aspotmar) Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy with his staff, Zamzam Manohara as Chief of Teluknaga Sub-District, and Waluyo Suprastio as Chairman of the Bintang Samudra Jala Foundation.

Restu Mahesa, representing management and Community Development, congratulated the inauguration of the Tanjung Pasir Rumah Pintar Navy Post, which is one of the pillars that has been built in synergy since 2022. “We always prioritize collaboration because we realize that we cannot stand alone but must work together,” he added.

In his speech, Assistant for Maritime Potential Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy Hermanto also expressed his gratitude for the support and assistance from Agung Sedayu Group which has collaborated with the regional government and various related agencies and provided CSR assistance in this program. He also advised the participants not only to pursue a diploma, but also to develop their knowledge.

H. Dadan Gandana said “Hopefully with non-formal education, opportunities for people to work, to be able to gain prosperity will be even greater.” Moreover, with the development in the north coast area, it will surely open up new job opportunities that require skills or competencies that the community must have.

It is hoped that this program can be a real step in providing better educational opportunities for all students. Together, we build hope, chase dreams, and create a brighter future.