Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


In 2020, there were ±2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and it caused ±685,000 deaths globally in 2020. Early cancer detection can increase the chances of recovery for sufferers. With quicker treatment, cancer can be treated before it develops and spreads to other organs.

In order to support women to stay healthy, Community Development PIK2 in collaboration with the Tangerang Regency Government held a talkshow with the theme Early Detection of Breast Cancer on 14 November 2023 at the Marketing Gallery PIK2. This event that invited dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro as speaker and moderated by Evelina Setiawan as Corporate Marketing & Promotion Director of Agung Sedayu Group, was also attended by Family Welfare representatives from 2 sub-districts in the area around PIK2, Sri Susanti, as Chairperson of the Family Welfare along with Cadres and the Village Head from Kosambi Sub-District and Yanni Zamzam Manohara, Chairperson of the Family Welfare and Cadres from Teluknaga Sub-District. Also present was Restu Mahesa as Estate Management Director of Agung Sedayu Group. “It’s great that everyone can gather here. Of course, I’m sure that later we will have an extraordinary experience, especially since there is a doctor who can help and share ways or things about a healthier life,” said Evelina Setiawan.

In this talkshow, dr. Reisa explained how to manage and detect breast cancer, so that women can know and detect it early. What things need to be done to avoid cancer and what to do if cancer is detected in the breast. “What you are is what you eat, so what we eat every day is actually an example of what is in our bodies, right? So the main step for us to actually live healthily and avoid all diseases is for us to decide for ourselves. If you want to be healthy, choose healthy food,” said dr. Reisa.

Not only discussing breast cancer with dr. Reisa, in this event there were also questions and answers and sharing of experiences about breast cancer and more importantly the participants were also given the opportunity for free breast cancer consultation and screening.

To close the event, the committee gave several questions related to the discussion at the talkshow to the participants and gave prizes to those who could answer them. It is hoped that with this activity, women can maintain their health, be enthusiastic about gaining more knowledge about health and can carry out their activities smoothly and well.