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Proper and correct waste processing required persistence and patience in doing it, so that a variety of energy can be reused from this waste. Through collaboration with various parties, a region can find the right way of processing waste.
 PT. Karunia Indo Sejahtera PIK2 on February 10th, 2023, carried out the signing of the Collaboration Agreement for Inorganic Waste Management (Waste Station) and Management of Used Cooking Oil (UCO) with PT. Khazanah Hijau Indonesia (Rekosistem). This collaboration aims to support environmental sustainability, in this case responsible waste management and to invite the community to sort waste from home to reduce waste disposal directly into the surrounding environment.

Taking place at the PIK2 Town Management Office, the collaboration signing ceremony was attended by Restu Mahesa and Yohanes Edmond Budiman as representatives from PT. Karunia Indo Sejahtera and Ernest Christian Layman as representative from Rekosistem.
 In the event, Ernest Christian L. explained that the innovation that will be implemented in this program is through digitization technology where to order for managing used cooking oil waste is easy, just by using an application that can be downloaded on the cell phone of every tenant or occupant of the house so that they can schedule their own waste pick-up transportation. Another innovation is the waste station system. “So we are taking advantage of the image record mission to be able to identify the type of waste to then be distributed to recycling sites and reporting to people who have recycled waste as well as on the ASG coverage scaled in the PIK area.” He added.
 The management of waste and used oil is a form of concern and social responsibility of PT. Karunia Indo Sejahtera in collaboration with PT. Khazanah Hijau Indonesia. It is hoped that the waste in PIK2 can be managed properly so that the sustainability of the surrounding environment can be maintained and there will be more types of waste that can be recycled from the PIK environment.