Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group


On August 27th 2024, an Open Defecation Free (ODF) declaration event was held in Lemo Village. This event is an important moment in Lemo Village’s journey towards a cleaner and healthier environment. This year there are ±70 houses that received ODF facilities, where in the previous year ODF in Muara Village was implemented with a total of 71 houses. This achievement is the result of hard work and collaboration between the village government, village residents and PIK2.

The aim of this declaration is to ensure that there is no longer the practice of open defecation. This achievement not only reflects improvements in sanitation quality, but also shows the community’s commitment to maintaining health and preserving the environment. This event is also an opportunity to strengthen awareness and shared responsibility in maintaining clean and healthy living habits.

This event was also attended by Dr. Andi Ony P., M.Si, as Acting Regent of Tangerang Regency, Dr. Ir. H. Restu Mahesa, M.M as Estate Management Director of Agung Sedayu Group and his staff, Head of Tangerang Regency Health Department, dr. H. Ahmad Muchlis. MARS, Head of the Tangerang Regency Housing, Settlement and Cemetery Department, Ir. Bambang Saptho Nurtjahja, MM, MT, Chief of Teluknaga Sub-District, Zamzam Manoara, S.STP, Chief of Lemo Village, H. Satria, S.Ip, and Tegal Angus Community Health Center – dr. Allan Sartana.

“We also thank TOTO for always supporting ODF activities. We have high hopes that one of these health pillars can help people achieve a better life,” said Restu Mahesa in his speech.

By achieving this ODF status, hopefully Lemo Village can become an example for other villages in implementing similar programs. The hope is that is this success can encourage other villages to follow and creating more communities that are free from the practice of open defecation, which will ultimately improve the quality of life of the community as a whole.