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On September 4, 2023, the Open Defecation Free Declaration was implemented in Muara Village, Teluknaga District, Tangerang Regency. This declaration is the result of the PIK2 Community Development program which has built 71 healthy and quality latrines, clean water facilities, and rehabilitated 2 uninhabitable houses as a form of the company's Environmental Social Responsibility in the Health sector.

The ODF Declaration activity was also attended by Christian Sudibyo and Restu Mahesa as representatives from PIK2, dr. Faridz as Head of the Health Services Division of the Tangerang Regency Health Service, Heru Hendriansyah as representative of the Tangerang Regency Housing, Settlement and Cemeteries Service, Okto Fianus and Richard Octovianus as representatives of Community Development PIK 2.

Previously and to this day, PIK2 has also assisted the Tangerang Regency Regional Government in alleviating stunting rates, this time PIK2 is also collaborating with the Health Service and the Tangerang Regency Housing, Settlement and Cemeteries Service in addressing the issue of healthy and adequate sanitation facilities. Meanwhile, in the development process, PIK2 also empowered non-governmental groups in Pangkalan Village. PIK2 started this program by making Muara Village an ODF area.

It is hoped that the development of the Open Defecation Free program can encourage improvements in the quality of life of residents through the ODF program so that they can be productive and improve health status and the local economy.