Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group

Social Assistance of PIK2 to welcoming Ramadhan

Welcoming Ramadan 1442 H, precisely on April 8, 2021, PIK 2 conducted CSR activities in the form of distribution of foodstuffs amounting to 2700 sacks of rice to 2 sub-districts and 7 subdistricts in tangerang regency.

As many as 300 sacks of rice each distributed to Kosambi District , Teluk Naga Subdistrict, West Kosambi Village, East Kosambi Village, Salembaran Jaya Village, Salembaran Jati Village, Tanjung Burung Village, Lemo Village and Muara Village, as a form of PIK2 care for the surrounding community which is currently also our community is in trouble due to the covid-19 virus, health and economy become a crucial issue, PIK2 hopes this activity can help ease the burden of the surrounding community so that we can all together struggle to survive in these circumstances