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PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2) Provides Antigen Swab Test and PCR Kit Support to Tangerang Recency Government

On Monday, 31th May 2021, PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2) handed over support in the form of swab antigen tests and PCR reagents to the Tangerang Regency Government , contributing the 3T program in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus, which were held at the Tangerang Regent's Office. On that occasion, Bupati Zaki said thank God, because on that day the Tangerang Regency Government again received support from various parties and companies in Tangerang Regency, and  one of them is PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2).

"The supports that continues to flow to the Tangerang Regency Government is intended to assist programs from the Tangerang Regency Government in handling Covid-19 in Tangerang Regency." He said.

A total of 1000 Antigen Swab Tests and 1024 PCR Reagents were handed over directly by Richard Octovianus - Head of CSR PIK 2 and Okto Fianus Sitompul - Head of GA PIK 2 to the Regent of Tangerang - Mr. Ahmed Zaki Iskandar.
"We would like to say thank you very much to the donors who continue to provide assistance to the government, (with) this support continues to arrive and flow, this shows that all parties really care and work hand in hand in a pandemic situation like this." He add.