Berita terbaru Agung Sedayu Group

PIK 2 in Colaboration with Buddhist Tzu Chi Fondation Indonesia Distribute Basic Food Assistance in Tangerang Regency

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pantai Indah Kapuk 2 (PIK 2) and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation distributed social assistance packages of 1,000 food packages in the form of ten kilograms rice and two boxes of masks. This activity was held as a form of concern for the local community and was distributed to ten villages in three sub-districts of Tangerang Regency. Among them, Teluknaga District consists of Muara Village, Lemo Village, Tanjung Pasir Village and Tanjung Burung Village. Kosambi sub-district, in Selembaran Jaya Village, Selembaran Jati Village, West Kosambi Village, East Kosambi Village and Dadap Village. Pakuhaji District, in Kohod Village.

This assistance is expected to ease the burden on the community in this area.